SKU: Dx49500
Norgen Biotek™ Stool Total RNA Purification Kit Dx, 50 Preps
Norgen Biotek Corp.™
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Kit Specifications
Maximum Stool Input
200 mg (fresh/frozen stool) or 400 μL (preserved stool)
Type of Stool Processed
Preserved, fresh, and frozen stool from humans and animals
Maximum Column Binding Capacity
50 μg
Maximum Column Loading Volume |
600 μL
Time to Complete 10 Purifications |
30 minutes
Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.
Component | Cat. 49500 (50 preps) |
Lysis Buffer C | 60 mL |
Wash Solution A | 38 mL |
Elution Buffer E | 6 mL |
Bead Tubes | 50 |
Spin Columns | 50 |
Collection Tubes | 50 |
Elution Tubes (1.7 mL) | 50 |
Product Insert | 1 |