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TRAzol RNA Purification Reagent Kit, 100ml

$129.99 $109.95
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TRAzol RNA Purification Reagent Kit, 100ml TRAzol Reagent is a complete, ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of high-quality total RNA or the simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA, and protein from a variety of biological samples. This monophasic solution of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate is designed to isolate separate fractions of RNA, D…

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TRAzol® Reagent maintains the integrity of the RNA due to highly effective inhibition of RNase activity while disrupting cells and dissolving cell components during sample homogenization. The simplicity of the TRAzol® Reagent method allows simultaneous processing of a large number of samples. The entire procedure can be completed in 1 hour. Total RNA isolated by TRAzol Reagent is free of protein and DNA contamination. Formulated for isolation of multiple molecular targets TRAzol Reagent allows you to perform sequential precipitation of RNA, DNA, and proteins from a single sample. After homogenizing the sample with TRAzol Reagent, chloroform is added, and the homogenate is allowed to separate into a clear upper aqueous layer (containing RNA), and interphase and red lower organic layers (containing the DNA and proteins). RNA is precipitated from the aqueous layer with isopropanol. DNA is precipitated from the interphase/organic layer with ethanol. Protein is precipitated from the phenol-ethanol supernatant by isopropanol precipitation. The precipitated RNA, DNA, or protein is washed to remove impurities, and then resuspended for use in downstream applications. Sample Type (General): Bacteria, Yeast, Blood, Tissue, Viral Samples, Plant Samples, Cells High Throughput Compatibility: Not High Throughput-Compatible (Manual) Downstream Application: Reverse Transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), Real-Time Quantitative PCR (qPCR), Nuclease Protection Assays, cDNA Library Construction, Northern Blotting, Cloning Scale: Scaleable System: TRAzol Quantity: 1 Product Size: 100 mL Final Product: Total RNA, micro RNA, Transcriptome RNA Purification Time: 1 hr Number of Reactions: 100 Preps Isolation Technology: Organic Extraction Starting Material (Amount): Up to 1 x 10^7 cells, Up to 1 g tissue. Shipping Condition: Room Temperature Contents & storage One bottle. Store at room temperature.
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