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Showing 6 results for "Vapor (Dry) Shippers"
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- –$1.4k$4.3k$1.4k$2.1k$2.9k$3.6k$4.3k
- IC Biomedical® CX100, Vapor Cryogenic Shipper with 11" Canisters, “dry shippers”, 4.1L (Capacity: 102 x 2.0 ml vials) - IATA CompliantThe IC Biomedical (formerly Taylor Wharton) CX100 For the CX-100 Cryo Express (CX) “dry shippers” they are designed to safely transport a variety of materials at cryogenic ...SKU: CX100$1,398.00
- IC Biomedical® CXR100-11M, Vapor Cryogenic Shipper with 11" Canisters, “dry shippers”, 3.7L (Capacity: 102 x 2.0 ml vials) - IATA CompliantThe IC Biomedical (formerly Taylor Wharton) CXR100-11M For the CXR-100 Cryo Express (CX) “dry shippers” are designed to safely transport a variety of materials at cryogenic ...SKU: CXR100-11M$1,516.00
- IC Biomedical® CXR500-0, Vapor Cryogenic Shipper with 11" Canisters, “dry shippers”, 3.7L (Capacity: 102 x 2.0 ml vials) - IATA CompliantThe IC Biomedical (formerly Taylor Wharton) CXR500-0 For the Cryo Express (CX) CXR500-0 “dry shippers” are designed to safely transport a variety of materials at cryogenic ...SKU: CXR500-0$4,193.00
- IC Biomedical® DX4, Vapor Cryogenic Shipper with 11" Canisters, “dry shippers”, 4.1L (Capacity: 102 x 2.0 ml vials)The IC Biomedical (formerly Taylor Wharton) 4DX For the IC Biomedical 4DX Vapor/Dry Shipper it is designed for the safe transport of biological samples in a vapor phase. This cryo vapor shipper is ...SKU: 4DX$1,399.00
- IC Biomedical® 4D-11M, Vapor Cryogenic Shipper with 11" Canisters, “dry shippers”, 4.1L (Capacity: 48 x 2.0 ml vials)The IC Biomedical (formerly Taylor Wharton) 4D-11M For the IC Biomedical 4D-11M Vapor/Dry Shipper they are designed for the safe transport of biological samples in a vapor phase. This cryo vapor ...SKU: 4D-11M$1,399.00
- IC Biomedical® 10DX-10LSC, Vapor Cryogenic Shipper with 11" Canisters, “dry shippers”, 10L (Capacity: 966 x 2.0 ml vials)The IC Biomedical (formerly Taylor Wharton) 10DX-10LSC For the IC Biomedical 10DX-10LSC Vapor/Dry Shipper they are designed for the safe transport of biological samples in a vapor phase. This cryo ...SKU: 10DX-10LSC$4,314.00